Anyways, for this week's Friday Awesome Music & Entertainment, I will be reviewing "Heaven" by Ailee(에일리) (<-- click me to watch the music video [I'm finally learning how to seamlessly incorporate links ^_^]).
This song has been a favorite of mine and Victoria’s for a while now, and it should not be hard to see why, even if it is not one of your favorites. The music video and song are very well constructed and stylized, and let’s be honest; it is just a beautiful melody. I speak no Korean, but I feel like I know what the song is saying because of Ailee’s voice and the artistry of herself and her Director(s.) The words are never choppy and flow well, and her English is FLAWLESS - so I'll give it a 5 out of 5.
But, let's discuss the music video itself. First of all, how about those
effects? They are really genius. It took me a while to understand them, but on
my second viewing, I finally realized why part of the video is bright and
slightly obscured by light: her old boyfriend has died, and presumably is
watching over her. It is brilliant how
the first half of the video establishes the past relationship and even makes it
seem like it is still occurring. The
first half makes them look like a really cute pair! (Check out 10 seconds.) This makes it more shocking and emotional
when the second half begins; showing that he is dead and that she cannot see
him and merely remembers him by tapes and pictures. AND NO, HE IS NOT JESUS! I keep seeing that on the comments on YouTube
and want to say, “What? She is looking at
old pictures and videos of them together; he obviously died!” Haha.
In any case, when the new boyfriend walks in it is really cool to see that her guardian angel (her dead boyfriend), or so I like to believe, is happy for her ... and that the new guy does not look like a(n) ________ (<-- apply your own insult/expletive here). I also love the part where she looks back into the house at the end and leaves - it is like she can feel his approving presence in the house wishing her good luck with her new boyfriend.
All in all, her voice and artistry are
amazing. It starts off very timidly and
her voice builds into determination, or some other powerful resolve or emotion. She really builds the song up and definitely
keeps me interested. The song, to me,
fits the music video very well, and the effects are great, though Vic. seems to
think the three heads at around 1:52 are too much.
;) I think it is awesome! And guys, how about (3:05-08.) How sad is that? Anyway, I am INTERESED IN HEARING WHAT YOU
GUYS THINK! Please respond here or on
Facebook! These reviews are for you guys
after all! THANK YOU!!!! In any case, when the new boyfriend walks in it is really cool to see that her guardian angel (her dead boyfriend), or so I like to believe, is happy for her ... and that the new guy does not look like a(n) ________ (<-- apply your own insult/expletive here). I also love the part where she looks back into the house at the end and leaves - it is like she can feel his approving presence in the house wishing her good luck with her new boyfriend.
And that’s all for FAME this week. Please head on over to our Facebook page and look for the pole to vote for next week’s Friday Awesome Music & Entertainment, or just look for the pole in the top left area of this blog to cast your votes there as well. Also, feel free to leave us any comments or suggestions you may have in the comments section, through email, our Facebook page, or on Twitter. Thanks!
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