Monday, February 27, 2012

Education Questions: Values - Arts vs Sciences vs Math

In this post I shall address a question about education/the education system in the states from Amrith. 

For my disclaimer and the last post I've made about about school in the states please see 

He asks "Does your country value and respect those who study say Anthropology or Archaeology? Is each subject treated equally or is one valued over the other, etc. Where do such people end up? Are they just professors at University or do they do anything else?"

Yes, Amrith, I think it is safe to say that all titles gained through higher education are respected in the United States. Some, however, are more valued over others if one looks at the situation economically. For instances, the top three job titles that come to my mind which make the most money (besides company CEO's and Division Presidents) are Doctors, Lawyers, and Engineers. This is because of the rigorous training and education these people with these titles must endure. This does not mean that any other education title is not valued. It may not be equally valued economically speaking, but all degrees are respected. It is also true that the higher degree a person holds the more money the person will make in their specific field. Anthropology and Archaeology degrees aren't the most common degrees earned, but they are definitely  respected. A person who decides to earn such a degree will not be looked down upon. This is probably because the American society is tailored to the individual and that individual's rights. My mindset about it is "If that person decides to get a degree in archaeology then that is his/her business. Good for him/her." It will be harder for that person to get a job though. And, it's rather untelling where they would wind up. If that person wanted to teach at the college level, he/she would first have to earn a doctoral degree then try to find a college with that teaching position open. If he/she wanted to go out into the general workforce then he/she could wind up anywhere in the world really. It's up to that individual to apply for a job and the employers of the world to decide to hire a person with that degree and that sort of thing. 

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